Leave us a message and we will be in contact to set you up with IPAS online.


We are excited you have chosen Isolation Performing Arts Studio (IPAS) for the best quality Performing arts education experience! 

IPAS offers you a 32 year proven track record for not only excellence in training, but loyalty and commitment to bringing out your personal best. We would love to welcome you to our amazing family, who will support you in gaining confidence, technique, passion, and invaluable life skills.

IPAS Online has been created to allow our IPAS family to be  able to stay connected, fit, healthy, engaged and still improving in their dance and singing stills both via ON DEMAND and introducing for May LIVE classes.


We have a members only website where you are able to access ALL content for all classes that we are running during the week. These classes are updated weekly and include warm ups, skills and routines. Depending on experience there are many classes suitable for all age groups including, Jazz, tap, Ballet, Contemporary and singing. These classes are on demand and are able to take at any time during the week.  


Our live Zoom classes are for certain styles each week with open classes on Saturday for everyone to join in and dance.


We also offer a Community Private Facebook group where we post lots of content to keep students engaged and having fun.

We look forward to seeing you soon!


Leave us a message and we will be in contact to set you up with IPAS online.

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